“God’s spirit, given by Christ, flows through us as living water to wash, heal and satisfy. As a congregation we become a fountain, sharing this living water with others.”
9:00 a.m.: Sunday School classes; details below.
9:45 a.m.: Choir Rehearsal - choir room
10:30 a.m.: Morning Worship - sanctuary
11:30 a.m.: Fellowship Time - fellowship hall;
beverages, donuts, conversation
You can watch current and previous sermons on our Facebook page or on our YouTube Channel.
Our mission statement
From the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Directory for Worship:
Christian worship joyfully ascribes all praise and honor, glory and power to the triune God. In worship the people of God acknowledge God present in the world and in their lives. As they respond to God' claim and redemptive action in Jesus Christ, believers are transformed and renewed. In worship the faithful offer themselves to God and are equipped for God's service in the world. (Book of Order, W-1.1001)
God initiates, we respond:
Presbyterian worship revolves around the Word (Scripture, read and preached) and the Sacraments (Baptism and Communion). Presbyterians believe that God initiates grace and redemption, and the people of God respond with acts that include thanksgiving, praise, confession, proclamation, prayer, offering, and being sent out for service.
Sunday School Class details:
Rise 'n' Shine - adults, room 6, Sanctuary building
Prayer, conversation, and Bible study. Studying Galatians. You are welcome to join in any Sunday. Teachers: Cheryl Barr, Sue Byrne, Hannah Tippett
Early Birds - adults, parlor and via Zoom, Sanctuary building
Prayer, conversation, and Bible study. The class is currently studying Rabbi Evan Moffic’s book, What Every Christian Needs to Know about the Jewishness of Jesus. Teachers: Anne Backus and Rosalyn McKeown-IceLet’s Talk About It - Adults, room 102 and via Zoom, Activities building
The class gathers to study today’s issues through the lens of faith. The class is currently discussing The Good Ancestor by Roman Krznaric.Teacher: Dan Terpstra
Communion and Baptism:
At First Presbyterian Church, we celebrate the Sacrament of Communion (the Lord's Supper), on average, 12 times a year. The moveable schedule includes annual liturgical observances, such as Christmas Eve, Easter, and Pentecost.
The Sacrament of Baptism is offered to all of those who respond by profession of faith to God's gift of grace through Jesus Christ. The sacrament is extended to infants and children, witnessing to the truth that God's love claims us before we are able to respond in faith.
Want to know more about what Presbyterians believe? We are happy to answer your questions.